Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Beginning

Alright, so here it is. The Beginning, just like the title says. This blog has two main authors, which would be me, YK as I'd like to be called, and koolguy1029, who'd like to simply be called Chris. Me and Chris will take turns writing on this blog, not every day, but enough to spice up your sexy little taste buds.

Me, I'm what you'd call "normal but border-line insane". One second I appear to be well mannered, smart, than next thing you know I'm a sly bastard, like Harmonica from Once Upon a Time In The West, and than I'm cussin' out all you foo's, like Mr. T. I guess you'd say I'm "hard to figure out" (that's what she said?).

Chris, well, Chris can be compared to a sort of....hobo off the street. Seems like a good person, but in reality he's just some rich boy who sits in the streets, making free money. Or he's really just some n00b, who's posts REEK of fail. Either way, he's an author, a poet, a modern Guido, or whatever else you wanna call him. I'm willing to bet none of this barely sums him up, but hey, it's Chris, that's what he is.

So this is the start, a New Hope, or it's just another blog. But, when it comes down to it, you have to remember one very important thing about this awesome little blog.

Annie is Kurdt too!

-YK, Jedi Consular

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